But I am super excited about next weekend, because I will be seeing (drum roll....) SHINY TOY GUNS! Yes, that's right. My band obsession for the moment. They are amazing. The Shinys are playing Friday night in San Diego with Jonezetta, another band that I happen to fancy. Should be a great show. Then I have to drive back to LA, because I have to take the CBEST at 8 AM the next morning.
What's the CBEST, you ask? The test that I must take and pass if I want to substitute teach in LA. Which I do. I feel like it will just be all around fun and good experience.
One last thing. I have discovered a fabulous website thanks to Brian Turney
It takes the words you enter and makes them into a fabolous word picture. Here is some my newest work:

Bonus points for anyone who can discover what the image is a picture of.
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a rhinoceros
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